I have always been a people person. A humanitarian at heart, fighting for the under dog and I gave this some serious thought. I think a lot of the people that live homeless and how they really got there. I would guess many of them not all due to trauma of some kind and they can't refocus their on button to reset back to the master reset of real life. Not because they don't want to but because their buttons don't let them.
This was how I felt. Yes, I have medical issues related to my condition at the time. But it was the tip if an iceberg I was beginning to realize I needed to carve away.
Memories can be beautiful but they can also haunt you in nightmares when they are traumatizing. Suppressed locked away in Pandora's box doesn't mean they will stay there forever. Anything not dealt with will show its ugly face eventually!
People in your current situations will trigger memories of your past as key players because your subconscious doesn't know they were not the original perpetrators that's causing you harm now. Underlying abuse, humiliation causing extreme physical and mental anguish and stress to the body.
So where would this most likely happen? Where do people spend most of there day? At Work !
Which starts a whole new point. In order to fix it what do you do to stop it?
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