As I opened the mailbox I could see the letter from my children's maternal grandmother. I didn't have much respect for Hutchinson, because she stood by and let the twins watch their birth mother do drugs and supplied her daughter with them from hospice patients. As Hutchinson worked for Hospice at the time. But giving her daughter drugs for her habit was plain disgusting. Being neither had rights to have contact with the twins anymore it was a shock in receiving the letter and was a violation in itself.
So with hesitation on the rise I knew the only thing to do was call Michael. I already knew there was nothing good in the letter. Nothing good ever came from that group of people. The final straw in Kim loosing all her rights was passing out on drugs in front of the state officer. The grandmother finally called the authorities because she didn't want the children or care for them on visitation and Kim stayed stoned on crushing pills and snorting them ,up her nose.
Being she owed years of back child support, refused to complete state order rehab, and was facing prison time for government fraud you would think something like her children would give her the desire to want to get help but no. She made no attempt to come to supervised visitation we set up for her but she didn't show. As of May 2010 she never saw her children again.
Now it's Feb 2014 and yes we are faced with reading the letter so with Michael on the phone and my aunt standing next to me I open the card and here goes :
Kim passed a few weeks ago thought the kids should know. I'm their grandmother and I would like to see them sometime,. Etc.
Next was how to tell them. Michael would come home on the weekend and we would tell them together. With the direction and the help of my aunt and sister we would gather the family that was local and have a brunch for our children to have closer.
Me and my brainy ideas. I called Michael's mother thinking having their other grandmother there would be helpful. She was kind to pick up the balloons and a plant.
Never underestimate or assume someone has the best intentions or won't undermine you in your own home at every turn. The children were excited about dad coming home but apprehensive about their other grandmother coming. I didn't understand this because when she does come around they act like they are happy to see her but little did I know.
I focused on the brunch for the twins and letting them have closer on the death of their birth mother with the idea of releasing balloons and planting a plant in her name for their benefit. After everything I'd been through with her I didn't have anything to say so I said nothing I just listened. She may have been a loving person at some point in her life and in all the years I knew of her that was not my experience. I always said I'm grateful she chose to have the children. They are my blessings now.
I can't believe I couldn't pull some empathy out from somewhere but when it comes to mothers and children I just believe after raising my daughter you love them no matter what and you show unconditional love. You raise your children regardless of what it takes. Not send them away to a home at the first sign of trouble. Abusive hitting them for no reason, lock them in sewers or kill their animals and certainly not show them how to use drugs.
I prayed for her soul but I have no way of knowing her state of salvation. I prayed for the children and I prayed for us. She died in her sleep from a drug overdose. Her family had her cremated by the state and no service. Even though it was 2 weeks after they cremated her at least they told us. Only she can answer for her choices she made them. I've been raising the twins as my own for years and it hasn't changed a thing. They are and have been mine for several years now. The only thing that has changed is the children won't worry anymore.
The brunch was lovely and the balloons were released. We planted the plant and took it to Georgia with us and we still have it.
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